what is Forex Trading

What is forex? This question many new trader Mind and search related Forex On google.

Forex big business Online field and you can trad using home internet :

or any internet own home PC.

This business Most profitable Business but before start this business ;

you need must Learn complete Forex knowledge.

Difference indicator Like moving average and RSI any many more.

Robot trading also help you for earning online Earning.
what is Forex Trading

Forex Business also profit and loss business but if you learn proper then :

you earn many dollar.Daily market news any country  news Fomc Also effect forex market.

Many indicator help trading market for new trader for find out market trend.

Time frame for small you can get just 15 pips or 30 pips and if you trad h4 time frame

then you can get 50 pips or 100 pips.Money management Play imported role in forex trading .

forex trading means

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